POISON OAK/IVY: History & Case Study
AromaHerbal Treatments for Poison Oak Rash, and other Itches
of a Series)
by Jeanne Rose
AromaHerbal treatments
for Poison Oak rash (and any other itching skin problems) include
continual application of soothing, anti-inflammatory hydrosols,
essential oils, and herbal preparations as well as plenty of herbal
baths or soaks, depending on the extent to which the rash has
spread. These treatments are outlined in many places including our
books and Herbal
Studies Course,
Herbal Classes and Courses.
Immediately after suspected infection, the skin should be washed
with essential oil of Thuja plicata diluted in oil.
Thuja plicata is a skin irritant and so should definitely
be diluted. Use only 5 drops per ounce of oil.
Hydrosol of
Artemisia arborescens or Owyhee is
anti-inflammatory and soothing to irritated skin. Spray with this
hydrosol on the affected area regularly. A hydrosol is a result of
distillation process and has the properties of both the
water soluble parts of the plant and the essential oil. Misters,
which are simply essential oil in water, do not have the same
therapeutic properties as a hydrosol.
The soothing and healing
effects of Aloe Vera gel can be boosted with the addition of pure
essential oils. Essential oils recommended for irritated, itching
skin include Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary),
Salvia officinalis (Sage), Mentha x piperita
(Peppermint), Pelargonium graveolens (Geranium),
Lavandula angustifolia (Lavender), Chamaemelum
nobile (Roman Chamomile), Commiphora molmol
(Myrrh), and Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree). Use
only one oil or make a blend to be added to the gel. Use 10 drops of
essential oil per ounce of Aloe Vera gel. Apply a bit to affected
areas regularly and then spray with lightly with Artemisia
arborescens or Owyhee (Artemisia ludoviciana)
hydrosol. (Available at our
Aromatherapy Products store.)
Essential oils and herbs
can be used together in baths or soaks to ease the irritation of
Poison Oak rash. 10 drops of any of the anti-itch essential oils can
be added to bath water, or, to increase the soothing affects of
essential oils, add them to bath oils. Natural Bath oils relieve
itchiness. Oil-water compress can reduce inflammation, itching,
irritation and other skin discomforts. Floating or dispersible bath
oils are easily made at home. Floating oils will sit on top of the
water, while dispersible oils incorporate into the bath. Both are
effective in relieving the itch.
following recipes are by Jeanne Rose
Basic Floating Oil
1/4 cup each Sesame oil, Safflower oil, Soy oil, Peanut oil, Almond
1/4 oz essential oil of Lavender or Tea Tree
Pour 1/2 cup of the Floating Bath Oil under full force of hot tub
water, soak at least 20 minutes. Pat dry.
From Jeanne Rose's
Herbal Body Book by Jeanne Rose
Water Dispersible
Bath Oil Basic Recipe
1. Melt 1/4 cup hydrous lanolin and add 1/2 cup mixed vegetable
oils, stirring all the time.
2. Slowly add 1/2 cup unscented rubbing alcohol in which 1 oz
essential oil has been dissolved.
3. Shake together and add to the bath.
From Jeanne Rose's
Herbal Body Book by Jeanne Rose
AromaHerbal baths
that combine healing herbs with essential oils are also effective.
To use AromaHerbal Baths, first make your mixture of herbs, then add
essential oils. Store in a covered jar. When you are ready for your
AromaHerbal bath, stuff a muslin bag with the herbs and toss it in
the tub. Use the wet, herb stuffed bag as a compress for itchy
Spa/Skin Booklet
Field & Flower
Mix together 1 cup Lavender flowers, 1/2 cup bitter orange peel, 1/4
cup each of Thyme, Raspberry leaf, Wild Rose leaf, White Willow
bark, Borage, Mint, Woodruff, Rosemary, and Sage. Add a few crushed
cloves and Calamus. Add 20 drops Lavender and 5 drops Geranium oil.
This is enough for 4-5 Baths.
Herbs & Things by Jeanne Rose
Seawater Bath
To warm bath add 1/2 cup sea salt and 1/2 cup combination of kelps
or powdered kelp bought at health food store. 1-2 drops of Seaweed
absolute could also be added, or used in place of the Seaweed.
Herbs & Things by Jeanne Rose
by Walt Franklin, Rexville, NY
Moist & shady ground
succulent ruby-throat probing
nectar of Touch-Me-Nots
orange blossoms drooping with weight
of poetry and science.
Cool liquid soothing an ivy rash
seedpods patient for a touch
to burst their progeny
on the world past raindrops
light-jewels clinging
to glaucous leaves
into glades where Puck & Bottom play
Titania & Oberon rule.
from The Wild Foods Forum,
Sept/Oct. 1995
Travel & First Aid Kit
5) 1-dram vials filled
with the finest quality pure essential oils for all your
travel and simple first-aid needs. Contains all-use
Lavender, digestive Peppermint, healing Tea Tree,
respiratory Eucalyptus and stimulating Rosemary and a
laminated card that details the use of the oils for
35 conditions.
Give help to friends,
buy one for you!
$33 includes S&H from the APP
Products, books and aromatherapy kits available
or by special order. Please call 415-564-6785
Poison Oak formula 2 oz $25.00
Floating Bath Oil for Poison Oak - 4 oz $25.00
Bruise Juice© - 8 oz $32
Poison Oak Case Study
by B.B.
knitter came to work and had a terrible case of Poison Ivy. I
suggested that she use a Jewelweed infusion to wash the Poison Ivy
as that has been a historical cure taught to the settlers by the
American Indian. My son, who lives in the area, knows Poison Ivy,
but in any case, I carefully described what Poison Ivy looks like,
telling him that Jewelweed lives always in close connection to the
Poison Ivy. My son didn't hear the part of the story that I was
describing Poison Ivy, he only heard the description. Even though he
knew better, he and my knitter went out and picked three large bags
of plants.
When I opened the bags, each was filled with the most
beautiful cuttings of Poison Ivy with absolutely no Jewelweed. So we
had to not only treat the knitter and my son, but also the entire
house. The treatment consisted of scrubbing all surfaces of the car,
the doorknobs, and the door jams with alcohol. We used rubbing
alcohol that is stronger than green soap and water. Then we washed
all the skin surfaces with soap and water and a strong solution of
Jewelweed. The Jewelweed solution was also frozen in an ice cube
tray, labeled, and used for subsequent treatment externally on the
irritated skin.
Source: Herbal
and aromatherapy books, course, some products and informative
articles are available at Jeanne Rose Aromatherapy,
jeannerose.net at 415-564-6785. Copper stills can be
found at www.copperstills.com and distillation knowledge, plant and
essential oil and hydrosol information can be found at the
Aromatic Plant Project and the Aromatic News
articles located on the site.
# #
Rose has been teaching and researching natural remedies for 33
years, beginning with her first book,
& Things, now in its second edition.
To get in touch, to purchase the books, to understand
aromatherapy, herbalism, hydrosols and essential oils, to sign up
for the in-person
Seminars with Jeanne Rose, visit her website at www.jeannerose.net or e-mail for information at info@jeannerose.net.
Jeanne Rose also teaches a distance learning program,
home-study courses both in
Herbalism and
Aromatherapy. She is
Executive Director of the Aromatic Plant Project and can be reached
at info@hydrosols.net. You
may also call 415/564-6785.
All rights reserved 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006. No part of this article may
be used without prior permission from Jeanne Rose.
© Authors Copyright Jeanne Rose,